Sunday, November 17, 2013

Clements Athletic 2 - 2 Mossops

Me and my big mouth.  Just a week after praising a fantastic turn out, Clements just about scrapped a team together, with 5 central midfielders and 2 strikers missing for various reasons.  There is no doubt that with a full squad we would have turned over this side, but the guys who were there - and especially those who played out of position - should be proud of the way we battled to the end and supported all those in a purple shirt (and the one bloke in a green one).  A special mention for Parker and Gollum, who turn up most weeks to support the team without getting a look in, and stand out as an example to all of us of what being a part of this club should mean.

Subs: Gollum

Despite only having twelve men to choose from, Alec still managed to annoy someone.  Gollum was distraught that Parker and been given the nod in front of him, and if Alec thought he was going to run the line he had another thing coming.

Clements started really well, with Sharpy having the biggest influence on the game.  By dropping off Liam he acted as a target from which to play others into space, and he time and again showed good awareness and neat touches to move the ball out wide to Chris or infield to Ryan, both of whom were finding space.  It was Chris who broke the deadlock with a goal of the season contender.  Liam whipped in a cross from the right which was headed goal wards by Sharpy.  The keeper was beaten but the defender did well to head the ball clear.  Unfortunately for him, it fell to Chris on the right hand side of the box, and he blasted the ball into the far top corner for his first goal in Clements colours: 1-0.

Chris then had a great chance to double his tally for the season when Tapsell played him in.  He again struck the ball well, but this time the cross bar came to Mossop's rescue.

We were looking pretty comfortable up to this point, and it took a slice (literally) of luck to bring Mossops level.  A free kick from the half way line was mis-controlled on the edge of the box, which turned into a perfect through ball for the winger whose cross come shot floated over Conor and into the goal: 1-1.

Clements weren't about to let their heads drop, and retook the lead when Rob played the ball high into the box from a free kick.  No one picked up Sharpy, and he flicked then ball over his head from a standing start to elude the keeper, who was slow off his line: 2-1.

Frustratingly the lead only lasted a matter of minutes, as the Mossops lone striker broke free.  With Niki, Rob and Eye-Ball rushing for a pre-arranged meeting of the Defender's Union on the goal line, there wasn't enough room left for Eye-Ball's attempted clearance to avoid his comrades, and the ball ricocheted into the net.  The striker was pretty desperate to claim the goal, so I've decided to let him have it (I'm nice like that): 2-2.

I'm going to keep the description of the second half brief, as most of the football was too awful to be worthy of a mention.  Both sides had a couple of chances to snatch all three points; Sharpy had the best one for Clements when a diagonal ball across the box from Liam found him in space at the far post with just the keeper to beat.  Unfortunately Sharpy didn't know how much time he had, and snatched at the chance with his left foot when a right boot back across the keeper was what was required.  Liam also had a chance when Parker played a delightful ball into the box, however the defenders were equal to it on this occasion and cleared the danger.  Mossops had a penalty shout turned down (good job for Eye-Ball as that would have been three in four weeks), and when their striker had his one clear cut chance, he lifted it over Conor but wide of the target.

The performance may not have been pretty, but all twelve of us were able to walk off with our heads held high, knowing we had given our all for the team and each other.  Tapsell epitomised this, as he seemed to be all over the pitch at times, throwing himself into tackles and fighting for every ball.  Next week is going to be a much tougher match, even with a stronger side, but we want Purfleet Old Boys to know they have had a game, and that they are going to have to fight for the three points if they want them.


Next match: Sunday 24th November @ HOME (that's Blackshots Conor) v Purfleet Old Boys.

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