Thursday, November 14, 2013

South Stifford 3 - 5 Clements Althletic

Clements continued their week on week improvement with a hard thought victory against one of the top sides in the league.  Our opposition may not have been at full strength (and played the first ten minutes with ten men), but that should take nothing away from a performance in which we showed the character and team spirit the manager has been asking for, as we lost the lead twice and came from behind once to win.  Dale has been so prolific in front of goal since joining last season that seeing him score two or three goals in a game isn't unusual.  In fact, in twenty-nine games he had scored four hat-tricks and found the net more than once on ten occasions.  He again gave a finishing master class to score an incredible five goals in today's game (O.K. Sharpy, we know you still hold the record of six), and move himself above Ryan in the goal scoring chart (I wonder if that was an incentive) and Clements up to fifth in the table.

Alec and Widge may take some credit for Dale's goals, as they moved him from the wing to up front partnering Liam.  Ben S filled the hole on the right wing, and Browne returned having now fully recovered from last week's hangover.  It was fantastic to see such a great turn out, but just a shame that you know from the start that not everyone can be involved in the action.

Subs: Sharpy, H, Ben A, Chris, Bunny, Parker, Gollum

With South Stifford's eleventh man on the way it was vital that Clements made the most of the one man advantage, and the team started brightly and created some good chances to take the lead.  Liam was unlucky not to score when his powerful header from a cross flew straight at the keeper who made a smart save.  Tapsell then found space in the midfield to break and play a perfectly weighted pass to Ben S who was overlapping on the right wing.  He kept his (milk) bottle to avoid two lunging tackles but then shot tamely at the keeper.  The pressure was building to secure a lead when Ben S decided to (milk) float a ball down the channel into the box.  Dale anticipated  the defender missing it a slotted the ball passed the keeper: 1-0.

The eleventh man arrived just as play was re-starting, and it did make a difference as some of the space down the wings disappeared.  Stifford started coming more into the game, and Eye-Ball had to be on hand twice to deny them an equaliser. First there was a clearance off the line after Conor had been beaten by a shot across the goal, and then Eye-Ball put the big striker under just enough pressure under the bar for him to miss a header into an open goal.  Stifford's deliveries from their left side were superb, as they looked for their heavyweight front man, who unsurprisingly chose to go up against Clements' welterweight left back.  A second attempt to win the ball from a cross was more successful for the striker, as he powered the ball - and Eye-Ball - into the back of the net: 1-1.

Eye-Ball continued to be as involved at one end as Dale was at the other, and got his own back on the Stifford Striker as he slid in just in time to block the shot before we were made to pay for a terrible offside line.  Eye-Ball was then the prime candidate for the conceding of a dubious penalty, as he stuck a leg out to intercept a throw only for an opposition player to fall over him from behind.  The penalty was dispatched into the top corner to give Stifford the lead: 2-1.

Going behind at this stage was a big test for our resolve, and we rose to the challenge to get back into the game before half time.  Liam challenged for the ball on the edge of the box and was fouled, allowing Dale to drive the ball into the far corner from the free-kick, leaving the keeper routed to the spot: 2-2.

The half time team talk was mainly positive, but we knew we needed to be better organised across the pitch.  One change was made, with Ben S moving to right back, and H coming on for Browne on the right wing.

H's introduction definitely made an impact, as he made a real nuisance of himself; battling for every ball and linking up well on the right with Ben S.  Last time we played Stifford it was evident that we were the team who tired, having spent most of the game chasing the ball.  On this occasion our improved possession stats and energy off the ball seemed to have the opposite effect, with Tapsell and Foggy finding themselves with more time on the ball and dominating the midfield.

Clements took the lead when a ball was played over the top (assist up for grabs here as I missed the pass), and the defender made a hash of clearing the ball to leave Dale with the simple (unless your Foggy) task of slotting the ball passed the keeper: 2-3.

It took a rare error from Rob to get Stifford back in the game as he scuffed an attempted back pass, which put Niki's brother clear through on goal.  He still had work to do, but showed who got the striker genes as he powered an unstoppable shot across Conor: 3-3.

There was yet another opportunity for Eye-Ball to make a goal line clearance before the lead was once again reclaimed by Clements as Ryan cut in from the left and dribbled into the box.  A rash tackle saw the ball ricochet into Dale's path for another tap in: 3-4.

A big moment of controversy then followed as Clements pushed out from a corner.  The ball was played back over the top and Joe Law ran through on goal, round Conor and slotted the ball home.  Ben A had already raised the flag as there were players in offside positions, and the referee immediately blew his whistle.  Joe was convinced he had run in from an onside position, and protested vehemently (I won't repeat what he actually said to preserve the Law family's good name).  The ref's big mistake was blowing up immediately instead of letting play go on before consulting his linesman.  What followed was a long delay and lots of arguing with the ref that tarnished a good contest.  Fortunately the ref finally did the only thing he really could do (without turning Clements on him as well) which was to stick to his decision and give the offside.

Clements regrouped, and put the game beyond doubt thanks to an unstoppable penalty into the top corner from Dale, who had been scythed down in the box: 3-5.

So Clements secured the three points, and Niki secured bragging rights (at least until we play Stifford again in the cup).


Next game: Sunday 17th November @ Home v Mossops

Goal scoring chart

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