Saturday, December 07, 2013

Clements Athletic 0 - 3 Purfleet Old Boys

Sharpy delivered one of his inspirational pre-match speeches before this game, which went something along the lines of, 'Let's really put it up them and give them a game; we're going to lose but lets put it up them.'  Truly inspiring as always.

Alec had a few more options this week (but not many), and with Conor nursing a bad back Foggy stepped up to stand between the sticks.

I think this was the team, but my memory is a little hazy:

Sub: Sharpy

Against a team who are running away with the league, it is perhaps not surprising that the star man for Clements was Foggy in goal.  As if he wasn't going to have enough to do, he decided to bring down Purfleet's front man for a clear cut penalty.  He quickly redeemed himself by saving the penalty and smothering the rebound.

Despite the odds being stacked against us, our best chance of the game would have given us the lead when H found himself clear through on goal.  Unfortunately his composure deserted him, and the keeper pounced to block the ball with his legs.

Clements then conceded three goals in the first half from various angles, and went in at half time with many heads hanging.  A passionate rant from the manager then ensued, with the main point being to show some balls and play as a team.

This seemed to have an impact, as we had a much better second half.  We kept a clean sheet, and arguably had the better chances to score, with Tapsell and Ryan having good efforts on goal.  In the end we were able to walk off with our heads held high, and hopefully have all grown stronger as a team by the experience.


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