Saturday, December 24, 2016

Gateway 2 - 0 Aveley Academicals

Unfortunately a performance from the Accies that is deserving of an epic write-up can only be based on second hand news, given that I was stuck at home waiting for the other boys in blue.  Someone had smashed the rear window of the mighty Green Machine the night before, and although the chances of ‘justice being done’ were slim I owed it to others who might be victims of greater crimes to see if any clues could be lifted.

I can therefore only imagine the scenes as The Accies took on Gateway; the team with the reputation for playing dirty and intimidating referees.  I like to think of it as a battle of good versus evil, right versus wrong, Wimbledon circa 1980s versus anyone else.  The cowardly goblins, hiding behind the muscle-bound, brain dead orcs and trolls versus the brave and courageous creatures of Middle Earth: the battle hardened and fearless dwarfs (Robin, Brian and Craig); the unassuming yet courageous hobbits (Bobby and Luke); the agile and lightning fast elves (Dale and Lewis) and the humans (Foggy, Liam and Tony) – kings and leaders of the free peoples.  Oh and Tom Bombadil – according to Wikipedia his weapon is singing (Terry).  If only they’d had their wizard (do I even need to say), then maybe the outcome would have been different.

Subs: Martin, James
From what I heard, Gateway lived up to their reputation for late tackles, swinging arms and basic foul play and intimidation.  However, the Accies weren’t going to roll over and play dead like some other teams who have leaked double figures against this mob.  Their ring leader, in particular, had a much tougher time than he is used to, as he came up against Robin, a man who has stood strong against the biggest and toughest opponents over the last 30+ years.  From talking to Robin it sounds like he had a great time, taking elbows, stamps and insults with a laugh and sense of enjoyment that must have been pretty unsettling for the perpetrator. He even had his opponent crying to the referee that Rob had ‘tried to break his leg’, but then he wouldn’t have known that Robin probably gets away with more than Gateway given the respect and admiration most Thurrock Sunday League referees have for him.
Who forgot to fill up the team bus?
It wasn’t just Robin though, although much like when the great warrior charges into battle, I’m sure the rest of the team took inspiration and confidence from this example.  After taking one particularly dirty tackle, Bobby became a man possessed and took command of a midfield that was missing some key components.  Luke C. didn’t hold back (good to see nothing changed there then), and threw himself into every challenge despite the potential consequences.  This included a nice shiner from a high boot as he bravely went for a header (I’m not sure if anyone has seen it – perhaps if we ask Luke he’ll put a picture on the chat, but then he is pretty modest).  It sounds like Luke C. had a particularly tough battle against Gateway’s 6 foot something, rapid winger.  He must have done a pretty good job as he as awarded MoTM for his efforts.  Perhaps the award should have been a bag of frozen peas.
The goals came at the start and the end of the game, and both seemed unavoidable and a touch unlucky.  The first was within 5 minutes, when Gateway broke following an Aveley corner.  Apparently the referee missed the fact that the ball had gone out and should have awarded a goal kick.  However, instead Aveley were caught short at the back and Gateway were clinical in their finishing.  The second goal in the last ten minutes was direct from a corner (which maybe was a generous decision?) and the aforementioned vertically superior winger rose high above everyone to head into the net.
For the 80 minutes between these goals, I am reliably informed that the Accies were the better side, and created more than enough really good chances to win the game.  Still, this was definitely a day to forget the result and be proud of the performance, especially as some marquee players were missing.  This positive feeling is echoed in the DoTD, which rather than being awarded for anything relating to the football went to Terry for an horrific fashion statement consisting of sparkly gloves and shorts down around his ankles (still that’s a pretty brave move in itself).
Good may have lost this first battle, but with another league and a cup game to come, the war is still very much there to be won.

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