Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chadwell 2 – 6 Aveley Academicals (Division 1 cup quarter final)

All the build up to this match was about how we couldn’t afford to be complacent, and that there was no way Chadwell would roll over like they did the previous week.  It was definitely going to be a closer game and we would have to get our heads screwed on to get through to the semi-final.  If only leading 5-0 at half time rather than 6-0 counts as a “totally different kettle of fish” then the pundits were spot on.  Having said that, it’s a good job we did continue where we’d left off the previous week, because the second half display was ordinary at best, which was summed up by the fact that we actually lost it 2-1.  Still the most important thing was to secure a meeting with Stanford Town in the next round, and if that meant we could put our feet up for 45 minutes, and enjoy playing on our old home pitch at Blackshots without having to put the goals up, then so be it!

With next week’s league game (and semi-final warm up) in mind, Sharpy decided to try something different with five at the back.  However, don’t be fooled by the formation set out below, as the Gaffa obviously didn’t give Robin clear enough instructions, as he decided to push up as more of a holding midfielder.  To be honest you couldn’t really blame him given the lack of threat from the opposition, and in hindsight it worked quite well to compress the midfield and provide a defensive shield.

Subs: Nick, Craig, James

I said we started where we left off, and within ten minutes we were three nil up, with Dale continuing to score for fun.  Dispossessing the defender, and cutting in on the left hand side of the box, Dale hit a tame but accurate low shot into the bottom left hand corner, out of reach of the despairing keeper: 0-1.

With the opposition being familiar with us from the previous week, it was a bonus to be able to unleash a secret bearded weapon.  Whether it was a tactical masterstroke to play the left footed Scott on the right, or the fact that the opposition were struck dumb with fear thinking they were playing against mafia boss Bear Gerhardt from Fargo, it just seemed impossible to stop the grizzly one in this new position, as he netted his first two goals for the Accies.  The first was a sublime and unstoppable drive into the right corner after collecting Luke’s throw via Harry’s flick on, and the second was a low shot through a crowded box after collecting the ball from Dale.  The ball bounced nicely over the outstretched keeper who was put off by Liam’s presence as he resisted the temptation to claim a flick: 3-0.

It's fine Scott, you can have the last chicken drumstick.  And H's vienettas!

Similarly to last week, Chadwell seemed incapable of defending but still created chances at the other end.  Without Foggy we were indebted to a fine debut display by Bangers, who show himself to be a fearless and committed keeper, as he came of his line to curtail any sniff of a chance.  He was also a much needed vocal presence, and inspired the confidence that we had feared would be missing without our club captain.

With the door being shut at one end, the flood gates were still open at the other.  Dale’s long throw into the box was flicked on by Robin where the ball was won by Liam.  He twisted free of a couple of defenders before smashing the ball into the net: 4-0.

The fifth was another nomination for Goal of the Season from H, who had positioned himself on the edge of the box for a corner.  When it was only partially cleared, Blakey laid the ball off to his mate, who drove an arrow straight, unstoppable shot into the top left hand corner: 5-0.

Sharpy made one change at half time, with James replacing Luke; the other substitutions were made a little later with Nick and Craig coming on for Scott and Blakey.  The initial impression was that the 10-1 from last week could be beaten as we quickly added a sixth. Liam raced clear, and squared it to Dale in the box who had tracked Liam’s run.  The screams from the bench were for Dale to pass to Scott so he could complete his hat-trick.  Maybe if we’d asked Chadwell’s keeper and defenders nicely, they would have stopped playing to wait for Scott to catch up, but I’m not sure that would have worked.  It was therefore the right decision for Dale to side foot home for his second: 6-0.

Whether we just didn’t want to totally humiliate our opposition again, or we decided that the job was done and we could therefore afford a well-earned rest, it is quite clear.  Either way we stopped playing and let Chadwell get two goals.  The first was a good flicked header from a free kick, and the second a wind-assisted corner which floated straight in at the back post:  6-2.

MoTM went to Harry for another lung bursting display, and DoTD was awarded to Alex Swan for not only wearing shorts with pockets, but for drawing attention to this fact by burying his hands in them for most of the pre-match warm-up.

We may not have finished this game as we would have hoped, but the job was done, and now only Stanford Town stand between us and a cup final.  It’s going to be tough but as long as we approach the game with the same attitude we have shown in recent weeks, and the belief that we can win then we’ve got a good chance of once again making that magical trip to …Tilbury.


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