Friday, March 30, 2012

Oaks Athletic 2 - 0 Wilburn Wanderers (aet) TASL Division Two Cup Final

Books, Films and mythology are littered with stories of unlikely escapes and triumphs of the underdog against all the odds: David slayed Goliath; George killed the Dragon; Bond escaped the laser beam; and Ron Burgundy plus co-workers out boxed a pack of grizzly bears. However, as the players of the Oaks Athletic entered through the turnstile at Tilbury FC there was never going to be a fairy-tale ending, and the reality was that we would be leaving with the cup we deserved to win.

The programme team photo

The only thing Wilburn did win on this day was the race to the changing rooms, as they bagged the Home room. However, the Away dressing room was still more spacious and luxurious than the Oaks are accustomed to, and with an hour until kick-off we set about preparing for the game. As we got changed some chose to tap their feet in a nervous fashion, others read about themselves in the match day programme, two discreetly shared a can of Dutch courage and the natural leaders in the squad looked to rouse the troops with war cries and general noise designed to encourage our squad whilst striking fear into the opposition. Steve also named the starting eleven, which included the tough decision to leave out Mikey despite the midfielder declaring himself fit on Tuesday.


Deano (c)ppppppRobppppNikippppEye-Ball



subs: Sharpy, Mikey B, Luke, Al

As we headed out to the pitch for our usual pre-match warm up, a few things quickly became apparent. The first was that a kit clash meant one of us would have to change, and with Milesy living nearby the decision was taken that we would have to change from our trusty purple to the old school Red and Black. Secondly, the time it took to complete our usual 4 times across the pitch warm up brought home the fact that this pitch was massive compared to the park pitches we rule each week. The sweat now dripping off a few of the players also made it clear that, on this warm evening, staying hydrated was going to be vital.

With warm up complete we reassembled in the dressing room before being led out to the tunnel (or cage) to await the officials and get the game underway. Apparently some 260 people had turned up to watch the final and we were grateful that a good number of them had come to support the Oaks. With the signal given, we followed Captain Deano onto the battle field and got ready for battle to commence.

The Oaks didn't start the best in this game; pre-match nerves hadn't been completely eradicated, and a hard, uneven pitch meant first touches were an issue and possession was often given away cheaply. Wilburn had also set up to defend and as a result the midfield was over-crowded. Defences dominated in the opening exchanges as the Oaks were more than comfortable dealing with any long balls up to the lone strike man, and the Wilburn pack four showed they had the pace to deal with the threat of the ball in behind, much to the frustration of Ryan and Harry.

Still, although you could argue Wilburn were the better side in the opening exchanges, the only time Ty had to touch the ball was to deal with a few back passes, collect over-hit through balls and gather a couple of speculative long range efforts. It wasn't much better for the Oaks as frustration lead to some rash long range shots that only troubled the netting behind the goal.

It seemed that Wilburn foolishly thought they could kick us off the park, as they dived in with a few horrendous challenges in the opening 20 minutes. However, there are few teams that can win the physical battle against the Oaks, as was epitomised when Nick went toe to toe with the Wilburn captain (the chunky one with the ludicrous 99 shirt) and promptly left him flat on his back. To see their champion flatten in this way knocked some wind out of the Wilburn sails and also confirmed that this was a game where men were playing against boys. Nick had also warned us of their one midfielder who made them tick; but that threat was quickly nullified by strong challenges from Tapsell and Eye-Ball. From this point, Wilburn started to tire and the Oaks slowly began to excerpt their authority on the game.

The chances now started to come, with the best of the first half falling to Bunny and Nathan. Bunny hit what is becoming a trademark right foot shot from outside the area that was moving away from the keeper and heading for the corner. However, the keeper miraculously got across his goal and made a fine save. Nathan then headed over from close range, but we now felt it was only a matter of time before we scored.

The 15 minute half time interval felt agonisingly long and when we went back out the sun had gone and it felt noticeably colder. However, the Oaks were warmed up now and as the referee's watch ticked on the Oaks took more and more of a strangle hold on the game. In particular Ryan and Nathan started to find more time and space on the flanks, and as they got to the byeline on more occasions the Oaks had more opportunity to take advantage of the aerial threat they posed from corners, crosses and throw-ins.

Gaps were also beginning to appear behind the defence, and from virtually the first move of the half Harry got in on goal following a ball over the top but his effort was well saved. Sharpy - now on for Nick - was also proving a handful for the defence and Tapsell had a headed chance that was tipped over by the keeper. Two more good chances fell to Mikey (on for Bunny) but his first time dipping hit from outside the box was tipped over, and a close range header went straight to the keeper. This was basically how it continued for the remainder of the half; with the Oaks peppering the Wilburn goal and their outstanding young goalkeeper keeping them in the game.

With Wilburn seemingly trying to hold out for penalties we were pretty untroubled at the back. The speedy winger Deano had been dealing with had lost interest and the tank up front was getting no change out of Rob and Niki. The most trouble Ty got into was thanks to a couple of dodgy back passes from Eye-Ball, but these were all dealt with without too much difficulty. There was one worrying moment when a free-kick was conceded on the edge of the area, but Wilburn weren't able to trouble Ty's goal. The minutes ticked on and the referee blew up to signal that 30 minutes more would be played to try and find a winner and avoid the dreaded penalty shoot-out.

The Oaks had looked so comfortable up to this point that the thought that this game could go to a penalty shoot-out now made the unthinkable situation where the Oaks could lose this cup seem less of a probabilistic uncertainty. However, I shouldn't have worried, and instead should have put more faith in the lord's reasoning for creating Gingers: to win the Oaks the TASL Division two cup final!

In the first half of added time, Eye-Ball took a throw on the left that was collected by Mikey B. Mikey then went to glide round the advancing Wilburn player and was duly tripped with a free kick being awarded. The Oaks packed the box and awaited the delivery from Ryan. The delivery to the back post was a good as we would have expected it to be, and Tapsell rose highest to nod the ball back across the goal. We all held our breath, but there was no way the keeper was getting this one, and as the ball nestled in the back of the net the crowd erupted and Tapsell was buried under a mass of Oaks players. If we could hold onto our lead for just 20 more minutes the cup would be ours! 1-0.

We would have to hold on without Mikey though, as his hamstring went again and Al came on to help Tapsell anchor the midfield.

Wilburn had been so heavily set up to defend and hold out for penalties that they had no attacking gears to move into, and as it was there was only one team who were going to score again. Now in the second half of extra time a corner was won that was swung in perfectly by Ryan. Rob got a touch and the ball landed invitingly at the feet of our Ginger saviour Tapsell, who smashed the ball into the roof of the net: 2-0.

This sealed the win, and the last ten minutes were a formality as the Oaks cruised to their first cup victory, and what would more than likely be the first half of an unprecedented league, cup double.

With the game finished families and friends gathered to first clap the beaten finalists, who despite being out of their depth on this occasion showed that they are a young side with much potential. Each member of the Oaks squad was then applauded as they collected their medals, and we huddled to await the lifting of the cup by Captain Deano and the crowning of the Oaks as Thurrock Association Sunday League Division Two Cup Champions!

It's worth making it clear that winning this cup has been about a lot more than winning just this one game, and there have been many people who unfortunately couldn't play a part tonight, but still deserve equal credit for the achievement. Who could forgot the fantastic performance in goal from Luke in the first round despite the mother of all hang-overs; or the cross from Jordan that led to the converted penalty in the same game. Even Parker, who ran the line with little Molly in toe in the semi-final and Steve Browne who has been there to support us in virtually every game - this is as much their win as the 14 blokes who got on the pitch, and I hope they realise that.

Well done also to Milesy, Trev and Kellie; this means more to them than anyone, and I know how proud they are of us all for what we are achieving this year. Also thanks for Mark, Cheryl, the patrons of the Ship and past players who have shown their support this season.

Anyway, with the sentimentality's out of the way and post match changing room beers demolished we headed off to the Ship to celebrate, and Deano attempted to pick up another trophy to take home with him...


Goals and assists chart


Homebase said...

Really enjoyed watching the Cup Final - in which Oaks always looked like worthy winners. Congratulations on your League and Cup Double!!!

Danny said...

Congratulations lads!