Monday, March 21, 2011

Thameside 1 - 1 Oaks Athletic

Thanks to Parker for supplying the following report for what sounds like a game full of incidents.


Milesy started this game at the Billet in Stanford having to shuffle his pack as two of the Oaks form players were not able to attend. Milly was carrying an injury from last week and goal machine Eyeball was at a stag do in Hereford, although personally I think that story is a load of BULL!! This left Oaks with the following line up.


pppppppppppppppppTyrone (GK)
Deano(RB) (c) Rob (CB) Nathan (CB) (c) Aaron (LB)
Jordan (RM) Gollum (CM) Mikey (CM) Scott (LM)
Sharpy (CF) Nick (CF)


Subs: Jimmy, Parker


Oaks had lost to this opposition a few weeks ago but with Tyrone in goal and a rare sunny day at The Billet, they were confident of getting a result this time. In fact Tyrone was about to play a central role in the first half action, although the referee nearly beat him to the honours for the centre of attention prize!


After receiving a passback, Ty suffered from a typical "BilletBounce" and the ball sliced across the area. The loose ball was taken up by the Thameside striker who thought he could not miss, although he did not bank on Ty commiting the worst professional foul ever by throwing himself across the strikers legs and then claiming he had fell over! At the resulting penalty Ty showed that although he may be lacking in subtleness (please excuse my spelling Eyeball!) he certainly is not lacking anything in shot stopping ability and superbly got down to save in the bottom corner. The next two incidents probably left Nofun, sorry Nathan wishing he was no longer the Oaks stand in centre back!


Thameside played a long ball through that Nathan had time to clear but he heard Ty call for it, so left him to claim it. What neither of them banked on was the Thameside forward getting between them to claim the first goal. A few minutes later Nathan jumped up for a header in our box and the Thameside player never jumped leaving him knocked to the ground and the ref awarded another spot kick. A few players argued but when Deano agrees with the ref then surely there might have been a chance he got it right. To be honest as usual I was watching the game next to us so missed the incident! Although Thameside scored this penalty, the ref decided there had been encroachment and ordered a re-take, and for the second time in the match it was saved low in the corner by Ty to keep the score 1-0 at half time.


Milesy put on Jimmy for an injured Gollum in midfield at the break and the second half started with me running the line in front of Thamesides bench. To be honest my memory of the second half is a bit hazy, this may or may not have something to do with their bench smelling like the England changing room during the Phil Tufnell era, who knows? What I can remember is Nick getting injured and Milesy putting me (Parker) on. At first I was excited at the prospect of going up front until Milesy then pushed Nathan up and put me at right back with Deano slotting in at centre back. Milesy then proved yet again what a great manager he is as the Oaks equalised not long after the substitution! The Oaks had a free kick just outside the box and Sharpy had a trick up his sleeve, well either that or a spare bag! Anyway he stepped up and smashed the ball against the Thameside defender. The rebound turned into a smart one-two which allowed Sharpy a much better and closer view of the goal and he made no mistake with the second attempt and finally Oaks had got back on level terms. The match finished with Scott and Jordan pushing down both flanks with Mikey and Jimmy controlling the centre of the park. Although we never got a winner, it did allow us at the back plenty of time to have a chat and do plenty of "watching"!


The Oaks left the field happy that we had got a better result than last time against Thameside, but we also know that it could have been even better.



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