Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Leagues apart

At the end of 2009/10 season the oaks had played 20, won 8, lost 9 and drawn 3.



After 20 games in 2010/11, we have won 8, lost 9 and drawn 3!



An interesting difference is that we actually have an extra point; 27 compared with 26 last year. It is even more interesting that while Sharpy was to blame for losing us this point a year ago, he can also be credited with gaining the most recent point this season. You could say he's finally repaid his debt.


So how do the tables suggest we have performed this year compared with last? Based on points per game we've done no better or worse that last year. Our current league position of 6th is one better than last year, but assuming Springhouse pass us and Laird don't win the majority of their remaining games (and we've still got to play them twice) 7th will again be our most likely finishing position.


How about goals for and against? We've score 4 less goals this year, but more pleasing is the fact that we've conceded 11 less - so A* for the defenders and goalkeepers, and a must try harder for the attackers.


We've said throughout the season that the league is much harder this year than it has been for a long time. The fact we've matched our results from last year whilst doing slightly better in goal difference (we would have finished 5th with a goal difference of -4 last year) means that if the league has got harder, we must have improved. This argument is strengthen by the fact that 2 of the three teams who played in this league with us last year (the Lakeside team of last year bears no resemblence to this year's team), Rec Rovers and Linford, finished 6th and 8th with 27 and 24 points respectively last season. However this year they have only managed 25 points between them this year although both have games left to improve their tally.


Anyway, there are still 6 points up for grabs so there is still time to get that goal difference in the positive, and even maybe for Nathan to catch Sharpy in the race for the golden boot (Sharpy currently has three more with 10). However, I don't think anyone will be bettering Eye-Ball percentage increase in goals this season compared with last...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will we play again this season? Laird owe money to somebody, allegedly!