Tuesday, November 06, 2007

League Cup: Oaks Athletic 3 Vs Jack's Lads 0

This game was over two weeks ago now, so bare with me as I dig deep into my memory banks !!! As I recall, it was Robin who netted twice with headers and I can't remember who got the other goal (help us out lads and I'll correct it!). We managed our team well and were organised at the back. Sure, they had chances but nothing that gave Parker too much trouble. Parker did however receive quite a nasty knock in a 50/50 challenge AND SHOULD HAVE DEFINITELY GOT IT CHECKED OUT AT THE HOSPITAL. Those lumps on his leg are simply not normal and require some form of medical attention.

Gollum: That was a shot and not a cross to Robin, wasn't it?

Anyway, through to the next round of the cup !

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