Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dean's Easy Three Step Guide to a Good Night Out

Step 1: Get as much booze as you can, then drink it all at once!

Step 2: Get your friends to support you while you pose for a photo, holding aloft yet another drink!

Step 3: Get carried/dragged away from the bar while trying to punch kind strangers who offer to help you get back to the hotel. At the hotel, empty your guts all over the bathroom, but still have time for a handshake celebrating a good night out.

Seriously though kids, doing the "Dentist's chair" is not big or clever and certainly no good for your body, as Parker found out during the nightwatch where he was scooping sick from Dean's mouth so that he didn't choke to death. Drink in moderation.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhh ha hah haa

Classic Deano