Monday, January 08, 2007

08/01/07: Sockett's Heath 1 Vs Oaks Athletic 2

It wasn't the prettiest game of football, but we we got our first three points of the season and thats what matters I suppose. We have Sockett's Heath again in a couple of weeks, and I'd like think that we can raise our game to how good a lot of our players think they are...
The resilience and battling on the pitch is important when defending, but the best form of defence is attack. Therefore, players need to create space for themselves to receive the ball under control and make decisive passes. The other team gave us a game, but if we can sort out our passing, their salad-dodgers will have no chance.
Jacko set up our first goal with a goal-kick that was launched into the 18 yard box at the other end, this allowed Nathan to make a monkey out of their keeper. The second was just as comical with Gollum playing a one-two with the crossbar to slot in his first goal of the season! We were caught cold in the second half, giving away a soft goal following a couple of mistakes. We managed to hold on to our lead, just. Sockett's Heath hit the bar and had many other attempts cleared of the line by eye-ball and myself (I know I kicked two off the line, one in each half), so it was a narrow victory that's not really worth shouting about.

No game next week, at blackshots the week after ok (21st).

Top Scorers

Nathan 2
Robin 2
Jon 1
Ken 1
Dean 1
Ian 1
James 1
Dave 1
John 1
Paul 1 (Thought we were going kayaking instead of playing a footie match, then I realised that Gollum had new boots that were stupendously huge!)


Unknown said...

Well Done Lads!!!!

I will come and support you when the sun comes out!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

off the line my arse,eye ball cleared them off the line

Anonymous said...

i think that the good looking goal keeper kept you in the game, he was a diffrent class better than that fat tub of lard you call your number 1 keeper.

Homebase said...

The one in the first half I kicked off for a throw after it went past our keeper. And in the second half from a corner, I just beat the black geezer to the ball at the far post.

Anonymous said...

It must be the white boots, bought in the january sale as no one has big feet that did it. LUCKY BOOTS!

'Black Geezer' You racialist, I am complaining to the Tony Blair

Anonymous said...

thats not racialist, it's fact-based! He talked like a geezer and he was a black man!