Monday, October 02, 2006

Oaks Athletic 2 Vs Essex Wanderers 4

The opening goal of the match was simply a 'hair-flick' by the Oaks Captain from a Danny Allen throw-in. The opposition stretched the Oaks team and scored an equalizer, and then another before half time. The match was closely fought until around the 70 minute mark when Essex Wanderers scored another two goals in about five minutes. Unfortunately, Deano's late goal could only be seen as a consolation goal in the scheme of things. It's a shame because it was a great team-move with lots of inter-passing, build up play and in Deano's case, running off the ball. The Referee was much improved on past performances, getting 99% of his decisions right. He did say to me before the match that he had been re-trained during the summer months and that it had... changed him. Suggestions that there was an operation involved are just speculation. The league and the F.A. will be pleased though, as he booked six of the opposition for dissent toward the referee (Rumour has it that a percentage of the fines collected are used to fund a referee's piss-up each year - nice). Credit to our lads for being early and putting the goals up and also for staying disciplined throughout the match. Let's hope that we can have more players available for selection at the next match, and give the gaffer a selection-headache, maybe for the first time!

Chrissy Andrews Watch
Suspicion that Parker had left some butter on the goalie gloves

Johnny C. Watch
Before the game it was un-earthed that he was infact... Shaggy who used to play for Graceland !!!

Top scorers

Jonny Homebase 1
Deano Wright 1
Kenny Graves 1


Unknown said...

Didnt about 25 players sign on this year?

Best sign up flipper

Anonymous said...

i see you miss your 2 best players, if the 2 boys with spikey hair played you would have a easy win where have they gone?