Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tuesday night training

I was very disappointed with the turn-out last Tuesday night (only seven, and only six the first week) and I am hoping for a few more people to turn up this coming Tuesday.
Having said that, it was a good hour-long workout for the lads who did come along (both weeks) and I like to think that they all took something away with them to think about and/or work on. I would also like to thank them for really putting it in for the full hour.

Just to finalize the cost of the sports hall, here are the details:

Initial block booking of 4 weeks: £140 (140/4= £35)

Up front payment of £10 from each player who wants to train split into 4 weeks of £2.50

If there is a similar turn-out this week, then we'll have to look into cancelling the sports hall or increasing the cost for those who do come along - I will take votes tonight if this is the case.

The match is at Palmer's college this sunday 22/10/06

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