Sunday, November 13, 2016

Aveley Academicals 0 – 6 Palmers F.C.

After the euphoria of last week, the Accies were brought crashing back to Earth by a Palmers F.C. side who demonstrated the level we need to rise to if we are going to be challenging them, and the other top teams in the league come the end of the season.  We can talk until the cats come home about how poor we were, but we should take out hats to our opponents, who were superior in every department.

With a very strong squad of 15 players to choose from, availability for once cannot be used as an excuse.  Individually we made too many mistakes, and were severely punished for them, and collectively… well let’s just say that’s the first 92 minute silence I’ve seen observed on Remembrance Sunday.  Please note that I’m avoiding making any connection with the sacrifices and suffering of those who gave everything for their country, because Sunday League football doesn’t merit any such comparisons.  Actually, the one bright light in an otherwise dark morning, was that the scene in the dressing room after the game was one of thoughtful reflection and acceptance; rather than one of rage, destruction and ill-feeling.

However disappointed those were who played a part in this game, spare a thought for Martin, who was unfortunate to be the one who missed out with only three subs being permitted.  Still, at least he should sleep a bit easier knowing the result was completely out of his hands.

Subs: James, Martin, Terry*, Craig
[*on debut]

I hate having to write up details of heavy defeats, and therefore the one consolation is that on this occasion I can refer my readers to YouTube if you want to see how the goals were conceded.  As well as magnifying the mistakes that led to us conceding, I imagine the highlights will also show, through their absence, the problems we had creating chances of our own.

One player who will unwittingly take a leading role in the lowlights of this match is Eye-Ball, as for at least 4 of Palmers’ goals, his attempt and failure to intervene was proceeded by the ball ending up in the back of the net.  The worst attempt was when he inexcusably forgot the first rule for any average Sunday League footballer: “Just get it out”.  Instead Eye-Ball shocked Lewis by trying to head the ball back to him from 6 yards out, but only succeeded in earning an assist.  A worthy nomination for DoTD which couldn’t be bettered.

MoTM was awarded to Harry, who couldn’t be faulted for commitment and effort, and was one of the few of us who didn’t deserve to be on the losing side.  Lewis’s penalty save should also be mentioned, but also highlighted that it just wasn’t our day as the rebound fell kindly for a Palmers player to put into a net.  Robin also brought a rare smile to your reporter’s face, when he had already run of the pitch and grabbed the flag from James, before realising that it was Bob, not Rob who was making way.  He said he wondered who was going to fill in a centre half, but that didn’t stop him getting off as quickly as he could.  Also, there was a promising introduction for Terry in the second half, as he put himself about and even made an entry to rival Martin for overhead kick attempt of the season.

Whilst we definitely don’t want to dwell on this defeat, let’s not forget how awful it felt to be on the end of such a drubbing.  As you would expect, Robin was the voice of reason as he pointed out that one turd doesn’t make a pile of manure (OK, I might be paraphrasing but you get the drift).  We’ve still got some work to do to become the team that we have the potential to be, and we start rebuilding again for next week.   Pack your toothbrushes boys, we’re off to Colchester!

Next game: Sunday 20th November v Prettygate FC - Away @ Shrub End Playing Field, Colchester

Goal scoring chart

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