Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Aveley Academicals 3 - 5 Lakeside

What a load of rubbish!  Once again we lose to an awful side by gifting them five goals. Saying that, we were hardly likely to win with only the 12 blokes who could be bothered to turn up.  Foggy couldn’t catch a cold, Harry couldn’t pass wind, Eye-Ball couldn’t tackle a parked car and as for our strikers: how could they miss chance after chance against the long haired streak of piss the opposition had the cheek to call a goal keeper.  The referee didn't help, as he basically cost us the game by not seeing a blatant handball for their third goal which proved the catalyst for Lakeside to score two more in quick succession and take the game away from us.  After conceding we were hardly likely to score given the only way we could find the net was when the opposition more or less put the ball in the goal for us.  We might as well give up now - what's the point...

Or we could look at it another way...

The referee summed it up when he described boot checks and the pre-match handshake as "a waste of time".  He obviously understands that this is Sunday League Football, and remembering that should help us keep a sense of perspective.  We need to accept that every game is going to be tough and potentially result in defeat, as every team is reliant on the team they are able to put out on the day.  Especially with a predominantly young squad, work and family commitments have to come first.  However, we need to approach every game with the right attitude and if we can all walk off and say we did our best and gave 100% for the team then we've got to be happy - regardless of the result.

Subs: Nick

This is our 4th consecutive season in the same league as Lakeside, and we always have tough games against them.  This one was no different, and on the balance of play and chances created, really could have gone either way.  We twice took the lead through Dale, when he first took advantage of a mix up between keeper and defender to walk the ball into an empty net.  He then raced clear after Foggy claimed the ball in his box and quickly threw it out to Ryan, who nodded on to his brother.  Dale only had time for one touch before slotting the ball into the corner of the net to make it 2-1.

It's easy to say that all the goals we conceded were avoidable.  But then aren't they always?  It's all too easy to point the finger of blame at individuals, when what we should be doing is looking at ourselves and thinking "what could I have done differently", or "what can I do now to get us back in this".  We all make countless mistakes during the game, and Foggy dropping the ball may have been the last one before the first goal against us went in, but someone gave away possession, someone else conceded the free kick, and why didn't any of us anticipate the second ball before the opposition player?  James's throw in wasn't the best, but should we have committed so many people in front of the goal, leaving Rob exposed against their quick striker?  Could someone have slowed down the opposition throw in?  The referee may have missed the handball, but should Eye-Ball have really ended up defending the cross and against the two blokes at the back post.  If he’d managed to get more than a shin in the way of the ball back across there wouldn’t have been a decision to make.  Instead of looking for someone to blame for the fourth goal, perhaps we should just take our hats off to the guy who won the ball from Foggy’s clearance and pinged it back over our skipper’s head from about 45 yards.  And as for the fifth, it could have gone anywhere after deflecting off H, but it went in the back of the net, so deal with it!

The game was slipping away from us now, but we should take heart from the way we rallied.  We may have only scored once more after Liam followed up after his initial effort came back off the post, but we created enough chances to even win the game.  However, their keeper may have been clumsy, but you couldn’t knock his courage, as he threw his body in the away of everything.  Perhaps he then deserved a bit of luck as well, when Liam’s well struck effort inside the box connected directly with him in a crowd of players.  We kept going right to the end, with Sharpy creating one of the best chances of the game (I promised I’d mention it) with a delightful medium ball (he doesn’t do long ball) in behind to Dale, who was denied his hat trick by the kamikaze Lakeside number 1. 

Despite not getting to keep the match ball for the second time this season (good job as we’re running out of balls), Dale deservedly collected his second MoTM award for the season.  It is somewhat reluctantly that I have to record the DoTD mark against Foggy’s name. He is doing us a massive favour playing in goal now that Andrew has sadly decided not to carry on (you’ll always be welcome back mate, even if just for a beer), and I’ve already explained how harsh it is to pin the first goal on him.  However, Foggy sets himself high standards, and I know he won’t be looking to make excuses.

We may have lost this battle, but the war is going to be a long and bloody one, so we’d better keep fighting.


Next game: Sunday 1st November @ Corringham Rec - Away v Stanford Town

Goal scoring chart

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