Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Clements Athletic 0 – 3 Mossops

Three second half goals separated these two sides in a game in which the home side were seriously below par, and the away side showed the better quality and greater desire.  The result can’t be argued with, and should serve as a wake-up call that we can’t expect to get anything from games in this league without giving 100% for 90 minutes.

The squad was pretty bare again for this game, but we still managed to put out a side which included one lame keeper being replaced by another, as Foggy went in goal despite a dodgy thigh.  One significant absentee was our assigned referee, and former manager Alec proved the depths he will sink to for £35 by agreeing to referee the game.  Although for that money I think he should definitely have worn the little black number Eye-Ball had dug out for the occasion.  As it happened, Alec was saved from this thankless task by the last minute appointment of a replacement referee (praise to the league for a change), and instead he ended up running the line for nothing!

Mossops seemed to cope better with the traditional Blackshots cross wind, which was blowing particularly strongly on this occasion.  Clements had very little of the ball, which is an exhausting approach to playing football.  Despite this we made it to half time with the scores at nil – nil thanks to a few fantastic saves from Foggy, including one tip over the bar when the striker shot from 12 yards.  These heroics were performed despite not being able to kick the ball, and relying on players dropping deep or on long throws.  Some last ditch defending, including a header off the line from Eye-Ball, also contributed to us keeping a clean sheet for the first 45 minutes.

It wasn’t all one way traffic, and we looked particularly dangerous from set pieces with the defenders getting in on the action at both ends of the pitch.  The keepers really defined this outcome, and the Mossops number 1 also showed his quality by denying Robin’s powerful header from Dale’s throw, which was destined for the top corner, with a fine one handed save.  Brian also came close, but could only head over from Dale’s corner, and Liam was also denied by a fine save when he swivelled and shot from 8 yards.
Whether it was the effort of chasing the ball in the first half I don’t know, but it all went completely to pot in the second half.  I don’t really remember us creating a decent chance, and we conceded three sloppy goals (which included assists for Foggy and Eye-Ball).  Alex shocked us all last time out by finally getting some dirt on him as a result of a well-executed slide challenge.  However, one swallow doesn’t made a summer and his attempt this time out resulted in a penalty being conceded.  This earned him the DoTD award (another first) despite the Mossops spot kick taker firing high and wide.

Man of the match rightly went to Foggy, who refused to go off despite hardly being able to walk and put in a fantastic display of grit, determination and commitment which was a lesson to us all.

It is always worth looking on the bright side, and this was our last home game of the season so no more putting up the goals!  Thank you everyone for your considerable efforts on this front; it makes a huge difference to not be frantically erecting the goals 10 minutes before kick-off.


Next game: Sunday 15th March Away v Greyhound

Goal scoring chart

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