Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Kynoch Sports 4 - 3 Clements Athletic

This was a disappointing game for a number of reasons.  Firstly you always expect to win against a team who averaged 9.5 players throughout the match.  Secondly, we had more than enough chances to win the game but were wasteful in front of goal.  Furthermore, sloppy defending and poor tracking back (and some unfortunate deflections) led to us conceding four avoidable goals.  However, what hurt the most - not to mention being highly embarrassing - was the unacceptable finger pointing, moaning, arguing and infighting that frankly made us look a joke outfit.

Subs: Chris, Jake

We didn't lose this match because the defence failed to deal with Kynoch's pacey striker who was their one outlet, or because the strikers fluffed their lines with the goal at their mercy, or because the ball was lost in midfield or an attempted pass was over hit or misplaced.  We lost this game because we didn't give our cup and promotion winning opposition the respect they deserved, we didn't give 100%, it didn't seem like we wanted to win, and most importantly we were not a team.  Now I don't want to generalise any of these comments, as it is down to each man to say if he could have given more, or underestimated the opponents.  I've also got no problem with people not being bothered whether we win or lose, but that doesn't stop you doing all you can for your individual pride and the reputation of your team.

This is my eighth season with this club, and the side is totally unrecognisable to the one that - prior to the untouchable class of 2011/12 - just about scrapped by in division two and got knocked out in the first round of the Essex Cup every year.  In fact, with the absence of Nathan, Sharpy, Gollum and Parker that only leaves Rob and myself who can recall what it was liked when we pretty much spent 90 minutes defending for our lives, with our only hope of scoring being by getting Sharpy or Rob on the end of a corner or long throw from Nathan.  Despite being a very average side, I was always proud to play for the Oaks, and although other teams knew they would probably beat us, they definitely didn't like playing us as they knew they would have to work hard to win, and would probably be leaving with a few bruises and aches and pains.  We didn't turn up on a Sunday to win or boost our own egos; we turned up because we enjoyed going into battle with each other, respected each other and the reputation of the club, and looked forward to having something to laugh about in the pub afterwards.  It didn't matter how good a footballer you were if you could give your all (especially whilst nursing a hangover), you'd be accepted into the group.

Don't get me wrong, it has been great to have so many new faces at the club and to experience winning the league and cup will always be special.  However, in a lot of ways we were a better team (and had a lot more fun) when we were worse at football.  It takes a long time to develop the bonds and friendships that make this possible, so I accept that we still have a lot to learn as a relatively new group of players, but there is no reason why we can't become a good team.

I apologise for the historical comparison, but I don't want this club to end like it did for Richard III (and the Plantagenet line of kings) at the Battle of Bosworth.  Looking certain to win the battle, Richard was betrayed by a man who had chosen to stand back and watch the battle unfold before choosing his side.  Richard thought he would have this man's support but instead he decided he would be better off by siding with Richard's enemies.  Richard lost the battle, his life and his dynasty. We only got two games left this season, so will soon be thinking ahead to next year.  I suggest we all have a good think over the summer about whose side we want to be on.

Clements goals:

1.  Alan plays the ball down the line for Liam, who cuts back to H. H evades the defender before side footing the ball past the keeper.

2. Dale swings in a corner which is met by Chris with a firm header at the near post.

3. The ball comes out to Chris on the right following a corner.  He swings it back in and Tapsell finishes with a trademark header at the far post.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They miss the steel of Mikey B in the middle if you ask me :)