Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oaks Athletic 4 - 3 Tilbury United (Div 2 Cup Semi-Final)

As sporting comebacks go, this Oaks win after being 3-0 down inside the first 20 minutes has got to be up there with England's victory over Australia at Headingly in 1981, Liverpool's Champions League win in 2005 and Nigel Bond coming from 9-2 down to beat Cliff Thorburn 10-9 in the first round of the World Championships in 1994.

Unfortunately much like the Liverpool fans who left the Atatürk Stadium at half time (and the one fan who killed himself at the same point in the match) I wasn't there to witness this great moment in the Oaks illustrious history. However, the key points have been relayed to me (although I wont name my source he did make it clear that Mikey B was both the star man, and the best looking bloke on the pitch), and I hope I can do the performance justice.

With the weather finally taking a turn for the worse in February the Oaks would have been itching to get back on the pitch, and Milesy put the following eleven out of their misery:


Deano (c)ppppppRobppppNikippppLuke

NathanppppppMikey BpppppTapsellppppppRyan


subs: Joe, Nick, Bunny, Browne

It's not often you think about home advantage in the Thurrock Sunday League, but a visit to the Daisyfields is one of the most unpleasant experiences there is. Tilbury actually beat premiership opposition there in a recent cup match, with many attributing this victory to the fact that the supporters were so unfriendly that the visiting keeper even refused to retrieve the ball from behind the goal. Perhaps some of this information filtered up to those running the league, as this cup semi final match was switched from Tilbury's home ground to the Oaks pitch at Blackshots.

Although this would have given the Oaks more confidence, perhaps it relaxed them a bit too much whilst giving Tilbury another reason to feel they had something to prove. With the wind behind them, Tilbury came out of the traps flying, and before the Oaks had really broken into a sweat they were three nil down.

The first goal was a good finish from the Tilbury player after he had eluded two Oaks men, whilst the second came from one of the many dangerous throw-ins that were launched into the box in the early exchanges. The third followed soon after when an unfortunate slip from Nathan left his man free to power home a header from a corner: 0-3.

The Oaks unbeaten run (it's now 4 months since we've lost any game, and almost a year since we've lost a league game!) has been well publicised, but I keep saying that we'll only really know what this squad is made of when that first significant defeat occurs. With the odds well and truly stacked against the Oaks surely defeat was all but inevitable: sure, we had come back from behind more than once this season, but only from two goals down at most. We'd also only managed to score two goals against Tilbury in 180 minutes of football. However, winning builds pride and a hunger for victory, and the lads in purple proved beyond any doubt that if they are going to lose, it's not going to be without putting up a fight.

What you need when you've got a mountain to climb is a quick goal to raise the spirits and put some doubt in the opposition's mind, and this is exactly what we got. Mikey B robbed the ball in the middle of the park, and was surprised to see only a single defender between him and the goal (protecting their lead obviously wasn't a priority for Tilbury). Mikey took off towards the man, and when he had his full attention he slide the ball in for H to run on to and slide past the keeper into the net: 1-3.

The Oaks were visibly lifted by this and began to get on top of their opponents, and the deficit was soon reduced to one goal when a long free kick from Luke into the box bounced off a couple of defenders before falling invitingly for Nathan to tap home from 4 yards: 2-3.

With five goals already, it's amazing that there was still time for more drama in the first half as the Oaks were forced into a premature reshuffle when a clash of heads resulted in a cut above the eye for Rob that forced him out of the game (Rob's head had to open up sooner or later!). Bunny came into the fold on the right hand side of midfield whilst Nathan moved to centre half.

Obviously I don't know what happened at half time, but to pull the score back to 2-3 whilst knowing the wind would be assiting them in the second half must have filled the Oaks with confidence, whilst leaving the opposition nervously looking over their shoulder.

It wasn't long into the second half that the deficit was wiped out completely, and it was fitting that the scorer should be the most faithful and dedicated of all the Oaks players. Another free kick from the half way line was lifted into the box by Nathan, and without Rob there to challenge him for the ball Sharpy rose majestically to flick the ball goalwards and beyond the Tilbury keeper for his first goal of the season: 3-3.

The grins of the Tilbury players and their partisan support were now well a truly wiped off their faces, but the Oaks weren't ready to accept their pleas for surrender just yet as they continued to pepper the goal. Ryan game closer than most to grabbing the fourth as he hit both the bar and the post from range after cutting in on the left. Through all this the Oaks defence soaked up any pressure Tilbury were able to exert, and Ty's goal remained relatively untroubled.

The Oaks were even able to bring on fresh legs to pound the opposition even further as Nick replaced Sharpy and Browne came on for Luke.

Then the final nail in the Tilbury coffin was banged home with just 4 minutes remaining. The ball broke to Tapsell about 30 yards from goal; he had time to set himself before unleashing a thunderous low drive that flew into the bottom corner of the net. 4-3!

I can only imagine the scenes: Tapsell rips his shirt off before diving head first into the crazed fans behind the goal, only to be pulled back by his team mates who leap on top of him; burying him under a mass of steaming bodies. He finally gets up, covers up his pale ginger body before turning to the crowd, kissing the Oaks badge and running back to the centre circle.

Despite there being a few minutes left, Tilbury had already admitted defeat in the gracious manner that they are reknowned for. A prime example being to throw the ball at Nick whilst he was on the floor which resulted in the BFOJ (I'll let you work it out) chasing the guilty Tilb whilst himself being chased by more Tilbs and his own team mates who were trying to calm him down (cue comedy speeded up chase music).

Still, the Oaks weren't going to let their moment be spoilt and the final whistle soon blew to signal the end of an epic match and the Oaks first cup final for a number of years. The final (ironically) will be held at Tilbury FC at the end of March, and I'm sure there will be a lot of people there to root for the boys in purple.

Well done lads: I'm very proud of you all.


Next game: Sunday 26th February @ Home v Beauchamps


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