Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oaks Athletic 3 - 2 Greyhound (League game 5)

I’d like to start by issuing a warning to all Oaks Athletic match report readers, of a previously undiscovered danger that could be lurking in a fruit bowl near you: the “Angry Banana”. This intoxicating yellow piece of fruit is indistinguishable in every way from an everyday banana, but when consumed it turns a usually placid and well mannered left back into a vicious, goal-keeper kicking animal. Fortunately the referee spotted the side effects (foaming at the mouth, diluted pupils etc.) and realised that the unfortunate victim was not acting under his own will, and spared Evil Eric from any further yellow coloured punishment. Next week I’m bringing an orange.

Anyway, now the public health warning has been issued I feel I can move onto the far more gratifying matter of The Oaks fourth victory out of five games in the league. You don’t have to have too good a memory to remember that our one defeat in the league came against the same Greyhound side we were facing today. You should also remember that we made a few excuses for that defeat – mainly around player availability. Well, we definitely weren’t going to be able to make such excuses today, with Milesy basically having a full squad to choose from, with the exception of Scott (work) and Parker (imminently erupting third nipple). With Jamie available again, and Al having impressed at centre midfield in the previous week, Milesy chose to start with Jordan on the left. The full line-up was as follows:

ppppppppppppppTyrone (GK)

pDeano (RB) Milly (CB) Rob (CB) Eye-Ball (LB)

pNathan (RM) Al (CM) Stu (CM) (c) Jordan (LM)

pppppppppJamie (CF) Sharpy (CF)

Subs: Bill, Aaron, Jimmy

The pre-match talk from the skipper was a positive one, and re-iterated the fact that this was our chance to stake our claim as one of the main challengers for the league, and that – at the fourth attempt – we should finally do what we should have done already and beat this team.

The uneducated onlooker may have thought that Stu would be ill-advised to ever attempt a career as a motivational speaker when The Oaks went behind within the first two minutes. Having kicked off we were immediately under pressure, and Deano was unfortunate to be penalised for a perfectly good challenge on the edge of the 18 yard box. The resulting free kick was not dealt with, and an easy tap in gave Greyhound the lead: 0 - 1.

Conceding such an early goal against one of the better teams in the league would have had previous Oaks teams preparing for a painful morning. However, the current crop play with much more self belief, and soon set about getting back on level terms.

The equaliser came when Evil Eric intercepted a pass up the line, and swung the ball first time with his left foot into the penalty area. Sharpy reacted quickest to head the bouncing ball past the advancing keeper. He did exceptionally well to get over the ball and keep it under the crossbar, and deserved to claim his sixth goal of the season: 1 – 1.

This goal was a real boost for the Oaks, and with Sharpy and Jamie spearheading the attack we started creating a number of chances. It seemed that Jamie especially was involved in every good Oaks attack, and used his superb control and ability to hold up the ball to bring others into the game, and create a couple of good chances for himself which flew just wide of the mark. He was also undeservedly denied a goal when Jordan, having drifting in-field, played a delightful through ball which Jamie subsequently buried in the bottom corner. Only two people were adamant that he was off-side, and unfortunately they were the linesman and referee, so the goal didn’t stand.

The Oaks have been conceding a few too many sloppy goals from set pieces of late, and the latest to add to the catalogue was inexcusable. A failure to react to Ty’s well voiced instructions left two Greyhound players unmarked at the back post from a corner, who were basically allowed to challenge each other for the honour of heading the ball goal-wards. Despite Jordan’s best efforts on the line he was unable to keep the ball out, and Greyhound had retaken the lead: 1 – 2.

Given the chances we had been creating there was no need for heads to drop, and when Jamie followed up some good work on the right with an inviting low cross into the six yard box, those unfamiliar with Sharpy’s game would have bet their life savings on seeing the unmarked talisman levelling the scores again. Those of us who know only too well that the 6 yard box is to Sharpy what Kryptonite is to Superman, and have stared in disbelief as our most prolific goal scorer has put the ball over, under and either side of the goal when all these achievements seemed impossible, only held our breath and prayed. Initially these prayers seemed to have been unanswered as we watched the ball hit Sharpy’s knee and shin before finally making contact with the business end of the typical footballer’s anatomy, and trickle harmlessly towards the goal. Fortunately the goalkeeper was one of those poor unfamiliar soles, and had obviously set himself to hopefully get something in the way of a rasping shot. He was definitely not prepared for making a simple save, and as a result was only able to help the ball into the bottom corner: 2 – 2.

Having been behind twice we were very happy to be drawing at half time, and given the nature of the two goals conceded the confidence in The Oaks ranks was clear to see. Milesy made one change at half time with Bill replacing Jordan on the left.

Both teams were really pushing for the vital third goal in the second half, and every challenge was well contested and there were some really hard tackles flying in. Rob, as always, was leading by example in this department. There is definitely no such thing as a 50:50 where Rob is concerned, and the sight of Greyhound players flying through the air (with the ball having been fairly won) on numerous occasions made me glad – as always – that I’m on his team! He definitely inspired the rest of the side, and the commitment of the outfield players combined with Ty’s dominance of his 18 yard box meant that we restricted Greyhound to a few speculative long range efforts in the opening twenty minutes.

During this time we also had to cope with the significant blow of losing Al with an injured toe, which meant Aaron had to come on and replace him in the middle of the park (at least we think that is where he had been asked to play)!

Our efforts were duly rewarded when Jamie linked up with Sharpy on the left, who then crossed the ball into the middle where it was met by Nathan who volleyed left footed into the bottom corner: 3 – 2.

The next 20 minutes felt like an eternity, and it was quite clear that to stop Greyhound we had to stop their star player who was determined to run through us at any opportunity. To be fair we really struggled to get the ball off him, but we were disciplined in defence and managed to keep him at bay (although Aaron was a little less subtle in his approach to stopping him). We also had to defend with 10 men for some of this time while Jamie recovered from a knock on his dodgy ankle.

Greyhound were now throwing everything at us, and when they threw an extra man upfront he could have scored with his first touch, but Rob was there once again to make yet another superbly timed challenge from 12 yards. That was to be their last chance, and the Oaks were able to run down the clock and end the match as deserved 3 – 2 winners.

This was the sort of gutsy and determined display that you expect when The Oaks play the best sides. The real test will be when we play Linford and Anchor in the upcoming weeks as we definitely won’t be the underdogs in these games, but if we don’t show have same attitude we showed today we will drop points, and today’s efforts would have been wasted. Well done lads, and let’s keeping climbing that ladder.

Evil Eric

Next Match – Sun 22nd November Cup Game v Greyhound @ Blackshots (Away so no nets to put up).

League Update

With Rec Rovers losing to Lakeside, and Belhus and Pegasus playing out a nil-nil draw, this win lifts us to third in the table:

Goal Scoring Chart (appearances from one game still to be added)

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