Wednesday, September 16, 2009

End of Season Summary

I think everyone will agree that our achievements in the 2008/09 season far outweighed expectations. When you consider we had finished near the bottom of the third division the previous year, and had only been promoted due to the large number of new teams to finish fifth in division 2B was quite an achievement.

The Oaks found the net a grand total of 63 times in the league last season (the second highest total in the league), and a further 7 goals being scored in cup competitions by Oaks players. One of our greatest strengths was that players from all positions contributed to the scoring; 38 goals came from our three main strikers, 15 from regular midfielders, and 12 from the defenders. The only outfield players not to score were Milly, Eye-Ball, Jimmy and Parker (who has already removed himself from this list in the new season). Approximately 1/3 of our goals were scored by Sharpy, who really found his shooting boots this season. Some say he was inspired by a burning desire to stay top of the goal scoring chart, and if that's the case let's hope he keeps the desire the retain his crown.

The Oaks capped a great year with an end of season awards night where Al picked up the Players Player award, and Sharpy and Rob deservedly picked up Milesy's manager player award, with Milly and Eye-Ball picking up second and third place respectively.

Let's hope the new season is as much fun, and even more successful than the last.


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