Sunday, February 01, 2009

Oaks Athletic 2 - 1 Woodlands United

I've got to watch this lot again! They'd better win this time or you'll be taking yourself for walks in future!

First an interesting fact: a desert is defined as an area lacking sufficient water or rainfall for hardly any vegetation to grow. This therefore makes Antarctica the largest desert in the world! So if I were to describe the conditions at Blackshots this morning as “desert-like” you’ll understand that we weren’t exactly slapping on the factor 50 and searching for an Oasis. With the wind-chill factor making it feel like minus brass monkies degrees Celsius, this was definitely not a game for the faint hearted.
Definition of sadomasochism: kicking people in artic conditions whilst wearing shorts and a t-shirt

Where the Oaks found the energy to grind out a hard fought victory is uncertain, but maybe it was the thought of the smug look on Manager Milesy’s face as he suns himself in the Dominican Republic that provided some inspiration. Captain Stu had the job of team selection in Milesy’s absence (though I’m sure he’d had his say), with the biggest change being the replacement of the ever-present Neil between the sticks. Neil himself would confess he has made a few mistakes of late, and these can get to you after a while, and maybe being relieved of the pressure of being the last line of defence would do him good. Parker was therefore asked to come out of retirement, and take up the familiar position behind the Oaks back four.

ppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaNParker (GK)

pppDeano (RB) Rob (CB) Milly (CB) Stu (LB) (c)

pNathan (RM) Gollum (CM) Jimmy (CM) Bill (LM)

ppppaaaaaaaaaaaAl (CF) Sharpy (CF)

subs: Aaron, Neil

The heavy defeats in the two previous matches were bound to leave scars, and The Oaks started in tentative fashion. Sharpy’s attempt to wake up the defence with an attempted back-pass from the kick-off didn’t help, and Woodlands supplied much of the pressure in the opening 20 minutes of the half. However, the Oaks’ defence held firm, and apart from some good claims Parker didn’t need to make any saves of particular note. All in all it was a scrappy first half – which is maybe not surprising given the conditions – and the half finished with the scores level at 0-0.
Gollum running; very rarely captured on film, very frequently caught.

The game really came to life in the second half, but with still little to choose between the sides and no break-through after 20 minutes, I must admit I was wondering if this might be the first 0-0 draw of the season.

However, I needn’t have worried, as the game was made more interesting when Woodlands took advantage of a poor clearance and the ball was slotted into the bottom corner; 1-0 to Woodlands.

Al has blantanly taken a bung in the "spot the ball" competition

This proved to be the kick up the backside that was needed, and The Oaks increased the tempo in search of an equaliser. The chances started to come more frequently, with the tireless Sharpy having the best one when he was played through by Bill, and did all the hard work to leave himself one-on-one with the keeper. Unfortunately his finishing let him down (rarely the case at present), and he failed to test the keeper.
Quess what happens next.... Answers on a postcard
Not only were we causing their defence more problems, with Bill and Nathan giving great support to Al and Sharpy, but the dogged work of Jimmy and Gollum in midfield made it impossible for Woodlands to keep possession you could see them starting to wilt.
Only professional footballers can afford to be hacked off by fans throwing coins at them.
Although we were now dominating it was still a relief when the equaliser came, and once again it was our top marksman Sharpy who found the net. The ball was fed to him on the left hand side of the box by Al, and initially Sharpy was hoping to play in Bill, but frustrated that Bill didn’t have the same idea he decided to shoot instead. And aren’t we glad he did as we watched the ball glide over the keeper and into the far corner of the net to cries of “Feed the Tag and he will score!” If Bill wants to claim the assist I think he has a good shout!

Having gone in front in the last couple of games and then gone on to lose, we seemed to be finding coming back from behind a much more pleasurable experience, and having found the equaliser the Oaks pushed on for a winner. Good chances fell to Bill – who hit the post with a rasping shot from the edge of the box – and Deano, whose attempt from a corner was well saved.
Deano has one final attempt at clearing the Human High Jump
The first rule of playing in defence for the Oaks is “keep an eye on Rob”. We definitely don’t want to discourage him from getting forward – his 5 goals prior to today show what a valuable goal poacher he is. However, we are often taken as much by surprise as the opposition by his unannounced desertions from the back four. There were no complaints today though, as he popped up in the six yard box just in time to meet a cross from Sharpy and give the Oaks the lead.
The moment The Oaks took the lead! Captured on Film! I thank you.

If we thought it might be backs to the wall stuff for the last 15 minutes we were wrong; Nathan and Al were linking up brilliantly on the right and causing the opposition all sorts of problems and we wanted every ball more than they did. What also helped was the apparent lack of team spirit and togetherness displayed by Woodlands, who basically decided to fight amongst themselves. This was in stark contrast to every man in an Oaks shirt (both on and off the pitch), who wanted to play for each other and give 100% for the team.

Two stand-out examples of this were Jimmy chasing back 20 yards to win back the ball after being dispossessed in midfield, and Al running back the length of the pitch to clear the ball after Woodlands tried to hit us on the counter attack following a corner at the other end.

The game ended with Aaron having one last final crack at goal, and in the end it looked like a comfortable 2-1 victory.

Oh yes, very funny. What use is the RSPCA hot-line number to me with these paws!

I was truly proud to be associated with Oaks Athletic today; well done lads. We know we’re not going to win every week, but if we continue to play for each other as a team we can always walk away with our heads held high.

I should quickly add that the referee did a fine job today. Woodlands are a notoriously difficult team to keep under control, and he handled everything fairly and firmly.

Eye-BallDeano lives to regret giving up his shirt when he discovers some unmentionable has knicked his clothes from the changing room

Next game: Sun 8th February v Greyhound (Double Header) @ Blackshots – 10:30 KO

Goal Scoring Chart:


Anonymous said...

good news lads i`ve cancelled me operation so im here till the end of the season! so unlucky alan hehe!

Anonymous said...

why just Alan?? were all still got to put up with you and your moaning

oh anyone no if its still on tomorrow?