Monday, October 01, 2007

Oaks Athletic 2 Vs Rec Rovers 1

Many of our long throw-in's in the first half caused the Rec Rovers defence some problems and Nathan and Robin both weighed in with headers before half time. This gave us a two-nil lead to hold on to, and hold on to it we did through defending well as a team in the second half. Rec Rovers scored with just over 25 minutes to play and those last 25 minutes were closely contested. Milesy resorted to beefing up the defence late on, switching the formation to cope with the pressure. There were a lot of percentages balls played by our defenders in that part of the game too !!

EYE-BALL WATCH: Played a blinder and got really stuck in, didn't get injured either this week - bonus!

Top Scorers 2007/08

Robin Lawrence 2
Ian Pitney 2
James Jackson 2
Nathan Kerin 1
Aaron Bass 1

After just two matches and before October (just) we have six points, this is great after the start we had last season (just 3 points before Christmas last season). Well done lads !!!

Keep up the good work next Sunday at Blackshots 09.30 meet/10.30 k.o.

Milesy: Don't let Parker wash the kit again, his idea of washing it was to just leave it in the garden all week. It was still wet and it F***ing stank!
Parker: You are useless.


Anonymous said...

parker can't help it he lives in a shithole, its better of outside in the rain than in his flat with rats.

well done parker.x

Keet said...