Thursday, August 09, 2007

Charity Match This Sunday 12th August 2007

Meet at Blackshots at 10.15am in order to be ready for an 11am Kick Off. I don't know who the oppostion are on Sunday..... But on the other hand that won't matter to me, I'd just like to get started with a new season thankyou very much.

El Cappy-Tan's Pre-Season Rant

Everyone knows that the game of football is all about passing and moving. In order to be able to achieve good, accurate crisp passing you need the skill to do it. And in order to be able to make the play a tidy, flowing move you need fitness.
The skill part of the game can be worked on with practise, but obviously you have to be willing to listen, take advice(or criticism) on board and then learn from it. If you don't or can't do this because you think that you are the best player in the team (or the world), then you will never become a better player - alright. To quote many managers in the game: "No player is bigger than the club!"
The fitness part of the game is what I'd like everyone in our team to take more seriously this season. I think that concentration for the full duration of the matches also comes into this. I would like everyone in the team to work on controlling their anger/frustration and chanelling it into their game. This will increase their focus on winning matches and not on moaning, swearing or fighting.

New players Required !
If anyone has friends who would like to come over for trials, they are of course welcome.

Also, if there's anyone else reading this who would like to be poached from another team in the local area, it could be arranged - especially if you're a striker.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Return of the homebase!

Come on you OAKS!