Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Friendly: Oaks Ath 4- Corrington 2

A Hat-Trick by Super Streetboy restored Acorn pride after a sloppy opening period which saw Oaks 2-0 down.

Corrington started the brighter of the two teams on this waterlogged Sunday morning. With all this rain the ground was soft but still brown! That bloke who is also seen in the Oaks pub on a regular basis scored a cracker after some indecisive defending. A poor mistake at the back by Chris Andrews let in some small fast bloke who slotted home past parker. It wasn't looking good for the Oaks.

A few substitutions by Oaks tactically aware manager improved matters. Streetboy arrived on the scene with a Hat-Trick, then got substituted as the bar was open!

Gollum settled matters with a neat shin-roll after some decent route-one football, which seems to be Oaks strongpoint!

Poor new boy Paul got welcomed to the team by hard-head Ian PITTS....

IAN WATCH - Ian remained calm during the game and did well after coming on! Make sure you get out of his way if you here him call for the ball.

JACKO WATCH - Almost pissed the other team off as he didn't give the ball back to them, instead pretending to run at the goalie before kicking the ball off! Jacko also went in goal, were he showed his grobbelar skills by taking on a few forwards.

KEIRNS WATCH - Danny got one chance in front of goal but scuffed it wide with his left foot. When will he score?

Next Week there shall be another friendly, im sure someone will tell me where and when? There needs to be better passing and movement from everybody.

1 comment:

Homebase said...

I think that this weeks friendly is against Jurgan Sports at Thames RFC (same pitch as the previous two weeks), kick off at 11am.