Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oaks Athletic 2 Essex Wanderers 0

The game looked like it might be called off today. Several other games were called off due to the white lines not being visible enough on the pitches. I think it was mainly that it was a bit chilly out there. Poofs.

The manly referee decided to carry on with the game after discussing with grounds keeper willy! We had a late kick off, which managed to piss the other team off a bit.

The wind was quite bad, I know as my hands were frozen on the sideline in the first half. Me and Ian had to snuggle to keep warm. Anyway...... lets talk about the football.

A quick free kick was taken by Jackson, which Mr Cole dummied and somehow the keeper missed it. 1-0 to the acorns! The other team were riled by this, they dont like it up-em. They started getting more concerned about the amazing referee than their own game of football. The back four were outstounding today, as was parker, who maanged to catch the ball in difficult conditions.

In the second half the amazing super sub keef, came on to score with pretty much his first touch! It was a left foot screamer into the top corner aswell. Gollum set up the chance with a low cross what the keeper palmed into Horwood Juniors path.

There were many shouts about it being offside, which it wasnt, and one of their team members got sent off. After that the game was a farce and Oaks had it well and truley won. A good result. 5 games to go.

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