Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oaks Athletic 2 Storm 5

Storm were lucky this game. Their pitch is shite, it is a mud bath which is imposssible to run uphill on. So of course they kicked down in the first half, got a few lucky goals, and knobbled half of our team. Bastards.

Got a couple of goals back in the second half and played some decent football. It was a shame but thats football for you. We will get them on our pitch next time. Oh yes.

Scorers. D Lawrence and D. Street (pen).

I can see the ideal team in my mind at the moment.

Left Wing - Jacko
Forwards - Street & Lawrence
Middle - Horwood & Rick
Right wing - Nathan
Defence, Jeff, Alex, Deano or Rob & J. Gray.

Just my opinion.. don't hit me. Next week we are at the same pitch (groan) facing Dog & Partridge. COME ON LADS!!

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