Sunday, December 04, 2005

Concept 'B' 1 - Oaks Athletic 1

Oaks got off to a great start from a long throw-in, which was a dangerous tactic used throughout the game. The ball hit the Crouch-esque Paul Gollum, I think it came off his ass. Oaks had several chances in the first half, in this closly matched encounter. White came close at both ends with various efforts. Oaks conceded a goal right at the end of the second half after a poor clearance by Ciarns. It was a shame really as we battled hard after long spells under the cosh. Horwood-K came close with a brilliant header with the last kick of the game but it was not to be. I would have loved to have scored. I would have caterpillared the length of the pitch! Must try harder. Keef is now injured by a major finger injury, which means he cannot write any christmas cards this year. Sorry fellas. I found the surface hard going, I seemed to slip and slide too much. I also had problems coming to terms with playing on the left. I think I should have been swapped onto the right when Cole came on. It only just occured to me, but I am really bad on the left. I was also man-marked by the ginger cahnt. One amusing thing that did happen was a terrible pass by me smashed a thermos on the side of the pitch. Serves them bitches right.

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